Christian Science Centre

This month's featured article 


"At the point of greatest despair, turning wholeheartedly to God enabled me to see past limitations and feel a total confidence in God.

The article we are featuring this month is by Monique Hertgen.  She recounts how she was desperately seeking a place to live for herself and her children, after her husband had left them. She tells how she steered her thinking away from the material issues and turned instead to trust completely in God to guide her.  She saw past the material to how she and her family were loved completely by God, cared for and provided for in the best possible way.

Click on this link to read the article

About us...

We are a small oasis of peace in the city of Haarlem where you can come to read and study the Bible and Christian Science texts, sit quietly to pray, drink coffee or discuss aspects of Christian healing.  We also hold weekly Christian Science church services each Sunday morning and on the 4th Wednesday of each month in the evening. 

What is Christian Science?


Christian Science is a way to use the teachings of Christ Jesus and Bible texts to heal and transform people's lives through prayer

How was Christian Science discovered?


Christian Science was discovered by Mary Baker Eddy, more than 100 years ago.  She developed the laws of Christian Science after being healed of critical injuries.  Through her study of the Bible, she rediscovered the same healing techniques used by Jesus.

Does Christian Science work?


There are many tens of thousands of documented and verified healings published.  Everything from broken bones to cancer, panic attacks to mental illness; but also finding work, improving personal finances and improving self-esteem.

“ God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. ”

I John 1:5